Wednesday 12 February 2014

High turnout of women screening for cervical cancer, cheers nurse


NURSE-IN-CHARGE at the cervical cancer section at SOS Children's Village Lunia Phiri has expressed happiness over the increasing number of women undergoing screening at an early stage.

The SOS Children's Village has been offering cervical cancer screening services to women from surrounding townships since 2012.

In an interview recently Ms Phiri said women were now going for screening due to awareness programmes being conducted by SOS Village.

She said it is encouraging that women who have cancer cells are diagnosed before it gets where it becomes difficult to treat, therefore saving lives.

"We have been offering cervical cancer screening services in the last two years. We have managed to screen 34,500 women. 10 percent of these women were found to have pre-cancer cells. They were referred to University Teaching Hospital for treatment," said Ms Phiri.

Ms Phiri said there is still need for more awareness raising to encourage women to undergo cervical cancer screening, adding that increased sensitisation programmes have contributed to women accessing cervical cancer check-ps. Ms Phiri is happy that SOS Village has extended sensitisation programmes to Chongwe and Rufunsa.

Women in the two districts are screened during outreach programmes, which is done in partnership with the Lusaka District Health Management Board.

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