Friday 9 May 2014

There’s need to recognise gender roles - chief

Chief Mumena of the Kaonde speaking people of Solwezi


CHIEF Mumena of the Kaonde-speaking people of Solwezi has says failure by people to stick to their God-given roles has contributed to gender inequality in society.

The traditional leader said conflicts always arise when one gender tries to overrule the other.
He said culture should be able to reconcile gender roles and bring equality between men and women.
Chief Mumena was speaking in an interview with Femail after Gender and Child Health Minister Inonge Wina officiated a consultative meeting for traditional leaders on Gender Equality Bill and Children’s Code Bill in Lusaka during the week.
“My ascendency to the throne was purely through my mother’s roots and that is why we need to recognise women in totality,” he stressed.
He is also of the view that gender-based violence has become rampant in urban areas than rural areas due to failure men and women to recognise their roles.
“Failure by women and men to respect each other’s roles has become a recipe of anarchy,” the traditional ruler said.
And Mr Mumena has expressed disappointment over the cultural norms and values that have been neglected by society.
He said “in as much as we are part of the global village people should not neglect their culture and values because we are where we are because of that.”
He further said Africa always has something good to share with the rest of the world.

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