Sunday 29 June 2014

We’ll enact gender equality law - MPs

MEMBERS of Parliament (MPs) have pledged to enact the Gender Equality Bill into law once it’s presented to Parliament.
Government is currently formulating the gender equality bill with a view of addressing injustices against women in the country.

In an interview with Femail, Mwandi member of Parliament Michael Kaingu said the formulation and enactment of the Gender Equality Bill is timely as it will see the eventual domestication of international instruments Zambia is signatory to.
Mr Kaingu said Zambia has of late seen an increase in the cases of gender inequalities such as poverty, limited access to tertiary education by female youths and gender based violence.
He said “the Gender Equality Bill once made into law will also greatly benefit rural women who usually have no one to speak for them.”
And Bweengwa parliamentarian Highvie Hamududu reiterated calls for the enactment of the Gender Equality Bill.
Mr Hamududu added that gender inequalities have subsequently seen programmes like the farming input support programme being dominated by males.
He said women should be given access to farming inputs including land because they are the major producers of food.
“We believe this law will bring equality and sanity in the way things are run in this country and I believe any legislator will support such a progressive bill into law,” he said.
And he has since called on all MPs to support the bill once it gets to Parliament.

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