Wednesday 18 March 2015

Connect women to bigger business deals – First Lady

FIRST Lady Esther Lungu has urged the Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry to expose women in small and medium businesses to ensure their participation in infrastructure projects such as energy and water.

Speaking recently during a gala dinner hosted by Chinese Women in Zambia to commemorate International Women’s Day in Lusaka, Mrs Lungu said the ministry should provide women entrepreneurs with market linkages with bigger formal industries.

She noted that women entrepreneurs face complex issues such as limited exposure to finance their businesses.

“Very few women are able to finance their enterprises through their cash flows and have to explore external sources of funding. Women entrepreneurs lack the substantial collateral to provide as security against loans,” Mrs Lungu added.

Additionally, Mrs Lungu further urged the Ministry of Commerce Trade and Industry to put in place policies to support women entrepreneurs in order to provide opportunities to succeed.

And she has commended Government over the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise policy that seek to enhance the development of MSMEs in Zambia.

“The policy provided the much needed guidance and direction on all activities and development efforts related to MSMEs,” Mrs Lungu said.

Mrs Lungu added that the development of the strategy paper on industrialisation and job creation by Government which aims at achieving wins in employment creation.

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