Wednesday 16 October 2013

'Economic benefits should show in citizens'


ZAMBIA National Women's Lobby (ZNWL) says the growth of the economic performance recorded should reflect in the lives of citizens, especially women and children.

ZNWL chairperson Beauty Katebe said in a statement to Femail that there has been a significant growth in the gross domestic product of 7.3 per cent in 2011 and 2012.

Ms Katebe said it was important to look at realities on the ground and determine whether the figures reflect in people's lives.

Ms Katebe also commended President Sata for his calls for peace during by-elections as violence is one of the hindrances for women to participate in politics.

"Political leaders should take responsibility to ensure that they counsel and guide their cadres to desist from violence," she said.

She has also described Government's intention to review the education policy as inspiring as it will address challenges where school drop-outs at the moment are unable to utilise their educational skills to earn a living.

Ms Katebe said the realigning of the education system will ensure that vocational training is harmonised from early childhood to tertiary.

Meanwhile, Ms Katebe has called on Government to consider reaching more women with farming input as they are the majority of small-scale farmers in Zambia.

She has also called on the diversification of the economy; not to rely on copper only.

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