Friday 28 March 2014


Durban International Convention Centre

20 March 2014


Two overall winners in the news articles & stories category

Idrissa Konditamdé from Burkina Faso - “Le zaï ou comment récolter deux tonnes à l’hectare sur un sol aride”

Idrissa was born in 1982, in the South of Burkina Faso.  He is a qualified journalist from the University of Ouagadougou. He has been the Director General of AGRI-TIC, an information platform for agriculture since 2013.





Idrissa receiving his award from Mrs Estherine Fotabong (NEPAD Director of Programmes)


Sitembile Siwawa from Zambia - “Female Farmers Empowerment Vital”

Sitembile Siwawa is  25 year old  journalist at the Zambia Daily Mail.  She has a diploma in Journalism and Public Relations.  


She specialises in gender related issues but also writes for other desks.


Sithembile receiving her award from Mrs Estherine Fotabong


Winner in the video, documentary and television category

Ibrahima Diallo , from Senegal “La Salinsation des Terres en Casamance”

[Ibrahima received his award in absentia]

Ibrahima is a national television journalist from Senegal, whose winning entry on salinasation is clear, focussed and well researched.  He works for RTS, the Senegalese National Television.  


Winner in the Radio and audio broadcasts category broadcast category

Richard Katami Bwayo from Uganda - “The Importance of Bio-gas in Promoting Sustainable Land Management”

Richard travelled about one hundred and fifty kilometers east of Kampala in the district of Kamuli where local farmers have formed a group known as Balimi Network for Development Enterprises in Rural Agriculture (BANDERA 2000) with the purpose to use the best practices for sustainable land management for his incredible winning entry.


Richard Bwayo with Mrs Fotabong

Honourable mention

The most hard working Journalist in the CAADP Journalists Network

Grace Musimami giving speech with his award
Mr Grace Musimami has been a committed reporter on CAADP for the last number of years, since about 2008.  He has closely reported CAADP related events in Uganda.  He has consistently submitted numerous media pieces on CAADP, many targeted towards enabling attainment of the various CAADP goals. Grace runs a network of agriculture journalists in his region.


Runners - up

Two runners-up in the News articles category

Doreen Nawa from Zambia - “ICTs: helping farmers make most of produce

Doreen was born in Eastern Zambia, and has been pursuing journalism since 2003. Currently, she manages social media news contents for the Zambia Daily Mail. Before taking up the Online Journalist position a year ago, Doreen worked on the Features desk as a writer since 2008 when she joined Zambia Daily Mail as a Reporter.


Doreen Nawa receiving her award from Dr Abebe Haile Gabriel- Director, Department of Rural Economy & Agriculture- AUC


Seydou Prosper Sadio, from Senegal “Une centaine de variétés d’arachides en cours d’expérimentation dans les stations de l’Isra” [Seydou received his award in absentia]

Seydou from Dakar, Senegal, works as a journalist at the Daily paper called Le Soleil or the Daily Sun in English. His winning entry is on agricultural research in farming groundnuts.

Seydou’s winning entry


Runner-up in the Radio and audio broadcasts category

Ngala Chimtom from Cameroon, “Farmers coping with water shortage in Cameroon” [Ngala also received his award in absentia]

Ngala provided an exceptional piece on farmers cope with water shortages in Cameroon.  Although extremely moving, his broadcast showcases the resilience of the typical African farmer.




Runner-up in the Video, documentary and television broadcast category

Adelaide Arthur from Ghana - “Post-harvest losses”

Adelaide has been practicing journalism for the past five after obtaining a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication Studies from the Ghana Institution of Journalism. She currently reports for JoyNews on Multi TV in Ghana. She has been focusing on agriculture reporting since 2012.

Adelaide Arthur  receiving her award from Dr Abebe Haile Gabriel




~Congratulations to all the winners~

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