Wednesday 16 July 2014

Chama records improved maternal health

DEPUTY Minister of Health Chitalu Chilufya is happy that Chama has recorded a reduction in maternal deaths due to first-class antenatal services being provided by Government at Chama District Hospital.
“I must commend the staff here for the great work they are doing and I am particularly happy because they are also following the 3Cs model of care, cleanliness and competence,” Dr Chilufya said.
He said this when he toured Chama District Hospital on Monday.
Dr Chilufya, however, said the maternity ward at Chama District Hospital should be expanded to accommodate more mothers.
Chama District Hospital medical officer Anthony Kamanzi said the construction of a maternity wing has helped to reduce maternal deaths in the area.
“We used to record 20 maternal deaths in a year but now we record less than 10 and most of those happen because some come in late,” Dr Kamanzi said.
And Patriotic Front (PF) Chama district Women’s League chairperson Esther Ng’uni appealed to Government to allocate funds to improve the maternity ward at Chama District Hospital to cater for the increasing population.
“We adopted this ward, which we clean every month, and not only do we clean but also lobby our members of Parliament who buy bathing basins for new babies,” she said.
And the construction of new Chama District Hospital at a cost of K20 million is almost complete.
Dr Chilufya said Chama District Hospital is expected to be completed before September and it will be a Golden Jubilee independence anniversary gift to the residents.
“The catchment population of Chama district is 135,000 and the building of the new hospital will decongest old Chama District Hospital,” Dr Chilufya said.

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