Sunday 27 July 2014

Machel urges women to form networks

Founder of `New Faces, New Voices’ Graca Machel, says women should form strong networks to enable them influence change among policy makers.
Addressing the 3rd African Women’s Economic Empowerment Summit in Lusaka yesterday, Ms Machel noted that there were fragmented women’s organisations championing women issues which has resulted in women failing to speak with one voice.
Ms Machel said it was time women worked together because they can positively improve the quality of life in society when they have access to the right knowledge and support.
And Ms Machel said financial institutions need to scale up assistance to women so that they can make better contribution to development.
And Minister of Finance Alexander Chikwanda said that the marginalisation of women in any economy results in unsustainable development and failed social justice.
Mr Chikwanda said this yesterday during the official opening of the 3rd African Women’s Economic Empowerment Summit under the theme “African Women, Realising Africa’s Economic Potential” at Lusaka’s Mulungushi Conference Centre.
“There is need for us to empower our women by ensuring that we achieve more equality, more opportunities, more sustainable access to finance and resources and more gender balanced policies. Women are the drivers of economies at household level,” the Minister said.
Mr Chikwanda also observed that the theme of the conference, which closes today, is indicative of the cardinal step that the continent and the global community have taken towards realising the pivotal role women play in Africa’s emancipation agenda.
The international conference which is being spearheaded by the Ministry of Gender and Child Development started on Thursday.
Mr Chikwanda also commended Ms Machel for being courageous and demonstrating what women can achieve even when men doubted their ability.
He said “Ms Machel took the courage to walk into the biggest Pan African bank, the African Development, which accorded her attention on behalf of African women. We give her honour today for being an ardent pioneer for African women”.
Earlier Minister of Gender and Child Development Inonge Wina emphasized the need for women to be financially sound for them to move from being small and medium entrepreneurs to having big businesses.
Ms Wina is confident that women have the capacity to move the African economy forward if financial capital is made available to them.
And African Development Bank president Donald Kaberuka said the African continent needs a financial industry that is not financially greedy if women are to contribute to development.

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