Thursday 21 April 2016

2016 elections chance to attain equality – lobby

ZAMBIA National Women’s Lobby (ZNWL) has observed that the 2016 elections are an opportunity for the country to achieve gender equality as many parties have pledged to support the cause of women.
And the ZNWL has launched a project dubbed ‘count me in’ with the support from the United States Agency for International Development that aims to groom aspiring female candidates in six districts to effectively participate in the August elections.
ZNWL board chairperson Beauty Katebe challenged political parties to honour their commitment of fielding 40 percent of women candidates ahead of the polls.
Mrs Katebe implored the electorate to support and vote for women during the forth-coming elections.
“All political parties who have promised to field in 40 percent of women ahead of the August elections must honour their commitments and walk the talk. It must not just end in mere pronouncements,” she said.
And USAID rights and governance officer Jenny Neville commended ZNWL for its endeavour to raise the profile of women in politics.
Ms Neville said politics play a vital role in the country’s democratic dispensation.
“ZNWL is doing a commendable job in the country and it is incumbent upon the women to take the leading role as well,” she said.
And project officer Matimba Choombe said the ‘count me in’ project will be implemented over a period of one year in North-Western and Luapula provinces, which are among the areas with the lowest representation of women members of Parliament and councillors.
Mrs Choombe said the project will develop the political leadership skills of women who wish to stand as parliamentary and local government candidates through mentorship and training.
She said: “ ZNWL will work with eight political parties namely Alliance for Democracy and Development, Forum for Democracy and Development, Movement for Multiparty Democracy, National Restoration Party, Patriotic Front, Rainbow party, United National Independence party and United Party for National Development.”

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