Monday 18 April 2016

Adopt more women candidates – NGOCC

NON-Governmental Organisations Coordinating Council (NGOCC) has implored President Lungu to challenge political parties to adopt a quota of 50 percent of women among candidates for political offices.

NGOCC board chairperson Sara Longwe noted that the quota of 50 percent will be according to Zambia’s commitment under the 2008 SADC Gender Protocol.

Speaking during a meeting with President Lungu, Ms Longwe called for the holding of the referendum separate from the general election to ensure approval and subsequent enactment of the expanded bill of rights.

“The Bill of Rights is critical to the well-being of women, youths, people with disability, elderly and poor and outlaws discrimination and introduces social, economic and cultural rights,” she said.

Ms Longwe further called for quick appointment and operationalisation of the Gender Equity and Equality Commission which will ensure that gender discrimination is eliminated.

“We call upon Your Excellency to take a keen interest into what is happening and support other locally initiated campaigns such as the Good Husband campaign, I Care About Her campaign, among others,” she said.

The women’s movement also raised concern over the high cost of living and especially with the recent price hike and shortage of mealie-meal in the country.

According to the Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflections (JCTR), the basic needs basket, the cost of a monthly food basket for a family of six, is about K4,300, which is beyond the reach of most families and is indicative of the prevalence of poverty and malnutrition.

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