Tuesday 15 April 2014

Influential women discuss womanhood


ZAMBIA’S most influential and dynamic women met in Lusaka last week to share their experiences of the opportunities and challenges of being a woman in today’s society.
The 100, high-flying contributors took part on the televised CNBC Leading Women’s Debate, sponsored by gemstone company called Gemfields Plc.
The CNBC (Consumer News and Business Channel) is an American cable and satellite business news television channel that provides a variety of programmes throughout the business day presenting reports on the United States businesses, updates of stock market indices and commodities prices, interviews with chief executive officers, business leaders and commentary from many investment professionals.
Panellists included Bank of Zambia deputy governor Tukiya Kankasa-Mabula, Java Foods chief executive officer Monica Musonda and Zambia National Commission for United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation chief programmes officer Brenda Muntemba.
According to the statement made available to the Femail recently by Langmead and Baker Limited the fast-paced discussion covered mentorship and inspiring the next generation, stimulating employment and entrepreneurship for women, striking a balance between career and family and conquering the ‘old Boys’ club.
Dr Kankasa-Mabula said “We need affirmative action, but it should not be tokenism. Part of it is breaking down the mind-set of men and showing we can do it. We are bringing a lot of value to the table as women; not trying to be men. By being professional, hardworking and focused we are making our own case.”
The sentiments were also echoed by Mrs Musonda, who said “As you go up the ladder there are fewer and fewer women; but there is also a lot of positive energy. Your network is your net worth”.
And Ms Muntemba said “We start with women speaking with their minds; women who can talk with a pen and intellect.

We have to remain feminine while doing a man’s job; you grow a thick skin. A woman has to work smarter hours, but when God wants to make a difference He will choose a woman. You have got to have a dream and go for it, you are someone, so don’t let anyone stop you”.
The statement says in opening the debate, Kagem Mining chairperson William Nyirenda told participants that “Rather as you yourselves juggle careers, family and other interests, so Gemfields and Kagem strive to balance different interests, we are at the interface between mining and marketing; between exploration and ethics. Like you, we also aim to generate employment for local people and encourage entrepreneurship, something that is really important to us”.
Mr Nyirenda said Kagem will invest U$1 million in projects in Lufwanyama district in the next two years. This will include the construction of a U$250,000 four-ward building at Nkana Clinic and three nurses’ accommodation blocks, turning the facility into a ‘mini-hospital’ along with a U$700,000 new secondary school in Chapula.
“In our own small way, we hope to inspire the next generation,” he said.
The hour-long debate, hosted by CNBC presenter Gugulethu Mfuphi, will be broadcast on CNBC Africa on Monday at 14 hours.

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