Friday 11 April 2014

Protecting children's right a challenge, says Info PS


MINISTRY of Information and Broadcasting Services permanent secretary Stephen Mwansa says protecting children's rights and voices still remains a challenge.

Mr Mwansa says the 2013 media monitoring report findings reveal that out of 9,859 stories recorded over a five-month period from 10 targeted media houses, only 530 were on children.

He said this at the 2013 media monitoring showcase and report launch on Saturday in a speech read for him by director of press and media development Isaac Chipampe.

Mr Mwansa said in a country where children make about 53 percent of the population, it is vital that they are made prominent in all types of news reporting.

"The way the media portrays children today will determine how they will develop in future," Mr Mwansa said.

He, however, commended the media for striving not only in giving coverage to children but also doing so in an ethical manner.

Mr Mwansa said "on a notable improvement in reporting, trends also show the increment of protection and promotion of child rights from 97 percent to 99 per cent in 2013."

And speaking at the same function, Save the Children director of programmes Beyant Kabwe noted that the media now reports more ethically on children than before.

Mr Kabwe said the media has now realised the importance of reporting on children.

He said: "the media has also given children opportunities to participate through various platforms and this is evident in the programmes that have been created on both electronic and print media."

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