Tuesday 15 April 2014

Lack of facilities affecting juveniles-LUO

MINISTER of Chiefs and Traditional Affairs Professor Nkandu Luo (centre) officiated the Advocacy for Child Justice Community correctional centre in Chelstone, Lusaka yesterday. Picture by MAPALO LUPUPA.
MINISTER of Chiefs and Traditional Affairs Professor Nkandu Luo (centre) officiated the Advocacy for Child Justice Community correctional centre in Chelstone, Lusaka yesterday. Picture by MAPALO LUPUPA.


MUNALI area member of Parliament Professor Nkandu Luo says lack of recreation facilities has contributed to the continued incarceration of juveniles in Zambia.
Pro Luo said most children opt to engage in vices which see their eventual incarceration because they have no place to play.
The law-maker said the country’s land inadequacy has largely contributed to lack of recreational facilities for children.
Pro Luo said this on Tuesday when she officially launched the Advocacy for Child Justice (ACJ) community correctional centre in Lusaka’s Chelstone township.
“Child offenders and those at risk must be considered or referred to rehabilitation centres such as the ACJ community correctional centre. We need to encourage restorative approach when dealing with children who come into conflict with the law.
In the olden days, mothers used to go to welfare centres to learn skills while their children would be taken to play parks but nowadays every little space has been taken up to building houses and a child is left with no choice but engage in illicit activities,” Pro Luo said.
Meanwhile, Pro Luo said there was need to build more correctional centres round the country for the safety of children who are found in conflict with the law.
And ACJ board chairperson Violet Namukwai says child justice systems in Zambia treat children as criminals and blame them for their behaviour, a situation which detrimental to their wellbeing.
Ms Namukwai, in her speech read on her behalf by ACJ board treasurer Richard Chakaba, said correctional centre would help the country produce responsible citizens.

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