Monday 28 April 2014

Wina urges women to join politics


Gender Minister Inonge Wina (beige chitenge suit) and Tourism and Arts Minister (green outfit) during the launch of the Gender links summit in Lusaka recently-Picture courtesy of Daily Mail

MINISTER of GENDER and Child Development Inonge Wina has called on professional women to join politics owing to the under-representation the arena is facing.

And Ms Wina has disclosed that her Ministry will soon embark on reviewing the Anti-Gender Based Violence Act of 2011 to add clauses that will criminalise GBV perpetrators

Speaking during the third Gender Links Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) Gender Protocol Summit and Awards during the week, Ms Wina said professional women should make a conscious decision to join politics in order to influence decisions that affect women.
The 2014 Genderlinks SADC Gender Protocol Summit and Awards are running under the theme ‘50/50 by 2015 and demanding a stronger Post-2015 Agenda’.
She said, “the decision by women to enter politics is to confront the imbalances that exist on the political arena and women should not be talking from the terraces only”.
And Ms Wina has appealed to women’s movements to start lobbying for stronger Post 2015 SADC Gender Protocol that will strengthen the commitment to women’s rights.

“There is already lively debate on the post-2015 Agenda and pressure needs to be mounted to press home the gains in the SADC region especially in the light of the ten elections taking place in the region over the next two years,”

“The issue of gender equality cannot be overemphasised as different behaviours, aspirations and needs of women and men are considered,” she said.

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