Friday 20 September 2013

Britain to support gender equality promotion


THE British government will invest KR15.9 million (1.9 million pounds) towards the support of gender equality in Zambia.

The British government, through its Department for International Development (DfID), will invest the funds towards a programme to increase gender equality, in collaboration with Ministry of Gender and Child Development.

Head of DfID in Zambia Kevin Quinlan said in a statement recently that Britain is strongly committed to supporting gender equality and the empowerment of girls and women in Zambia and around the world.

"We are delighted to be working with the Ministry of Gender and Child Development in its efforts to directly address gender inequality across the country", said Mr Quinlan.

Mr Quinlan said the United Kingdom aid will support the Ministry's programme for the Promotion and Protection of Women and Children's Rights.

He said this will enable the Ministry to improve women's decision-making and political representation, address issues of child development and improve gender equality in all Government policy.

"DfID has also launched a package of measures to help girls and women in all the countries we work in to be free from violence; take control of their lives; have a choice over when and how many children they would like to have; and have a voice in their communities, he said.

Meanwhile,UK International Development secretary Justine Greening said part of the funding is meant to deliver more than 3 million contraceptive implants and 17 million female condoms, to avert around 2.6 million unintended pregnancies and prevent more than 4,500 deaths during pregnancy and childbirth.

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