Thursday 26 September 2013

construct clinic for us says womens club


MAPEPE Blessed Women's Club of Chilanga has appealed to Government to construct a clinic in the area.

Club chairperson Veronica Mwansa told Femail that since the closure of Chilanga Hospice, locals especially those on anti-retroviral therapy (ART) do not have access to the drugs because the other clinics are not easily accessible due to distance.

"Since the closure of Chilanga Hospice those on ART in Mapepe do not have access to the drugs as a result some end up dying in their homes. Those that manage to visit the other clinics which are privately- owned have to pay for the health services", she said.

Ms Mwansa also said the health of some of those on ART was deteriorating at a fast rate because besides not having access to health care, they could not afford a nutritious meal.

She also bemoaned the high levels of the HIV rate in the area as this has resulted in the high numbers of orphaned children in the area.

Ms Mwansa also bemoaned high levels of teenage pregnancies, school drop-outs, and unemployment and defilement cases.

She said girls as young as 11 and 12 years old are pregnant and married to young boys, a situation which is worrisome.

Meanwhile, the old people of Mapepe area have also called on government to improve the livelihoods of the aged in the area.

Group representative Daniel Changula said the old people have been left to fend for themselves as most of their children have died due to the pandemic.

He also said this year's farming season will adversely affect the outcome of the harvest due to late delivery of farming inputs.

Mr Changula also urged government to consider giving the people of Mapepe area offer letters as they are squatters on the land.

"One of our greatest fears is to be told to vacate the land where we are squatting as we do not have title to the land," he said.

And another aged man Amos Mulongo said the old people are dependent on Blessed Hope Community School for their well-being.

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