Thursday 19 September 2013

Encourage youths to go for VCT


GOVERNMENT says young people in the age group 16 to 24 years should be encouraged to access HIV counselling and testing because the current trends indicate about 40 percent of new HIV infections occur among them.

Ministry of Education, Science, Vocational and Early Education said in a statement that government is committed to prevent the spread of HIV among young people.

By encouraging young people to access HIV testing and counselling, the trend can reversed as more young people will adopt and maintain lifestyles that prevent new infections.

"Encouraging young people to get tested for HIV will reverse the current trends and enhance the wellbeing and longevity among those who are HIV positive."

In this quest, the Ministry of Education, Science, Vocational and Early Education in collaboration with the Ministry of Community Development, Mother and Child Health will today and tomorrow host a festival aimed at bringing different pupils from 20 secondary schools in Lusaka district.
The "Love Life?Ziba HIV health festival which under the theme 'Wize up love life?Ziba HIV' will be held at Kamwala High School in Lusaka.

And after the festival, sensitisation meetings will be held in various schools in Lusaka which will be coupled with the provision of HIV testing and counselling services.

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