Friday 20 September 2013

Establish more cancer screening centres'


THE Non- Governmental Organisation Coordinating Council (NGOCC) has called on First Lady Christine Kaseba to use her office to campaign for the establishment of more cervical cancer screening centres in the country.

Board chairperson, Beatrice Grillo in congratulating Dr Kaseba on the global award of distinction in recognition of her contribution to the fight against cervical and breast cancer by Susan G Komen for Cure Foundation, said the First Lady must take the campaign to the creation of screening centres in rural areas Ms Grillo said a successful campaign against cervical cancer will require making screening centres within the reach of every woman.

"Screening facilities must be within track able distances to enable more women, especially those in rural areas access these services," she said.

Ms Grillo told femail news in an interview, that there is need for the Ministry of Health to inform the nation on how far they have gone in making cervical cancer screening services available to every woman in the country.

She said NGOCC was proud of Dr Kaseba's contribution towards the fight of breast and cervical cancer and the award bestowed on her by US's Susan G Komen for Cure Foundation.

"This award has put Zambia on the world map and as NGOCC, we are particularly happy that the First Lady is championing this fight against the number one killer disease of women not only in Zambia but the world over," she said.

Ms Grillo said it was gratifying that Dr Kaseba, an obstetrician gynaecologist, was using her career and intimate knowledge of health matters to improve the health of women.

And Young Women Christian Association (YWCA) executive director Patricia Ndhlovu said the global award of distinction bestowed on Dr Kaseba came at the right time when Zambia needs to do more to save lives of many women who are at risk of developing cervical and breast cancer.

Ms Ndlohvu said there is need for more partners to join hands with the Ministry of Health in fighting cervical cancer which is claiming lives of women, especially the youthful age.

Women for Change executive director, Emily Sikazwe said her organisation is proud of the First Lady's resolve to improve the health of women.

Ms Sikazwe urged Dr Kaseba to continue working hard for the betterment of public health in Zambia.

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