Friday 20 September 2013

Women celebrate First Lady is award


THE women movement in the country has congratulated First Lady Christine Kaseba for receiving the Global Award of Distinction in recognition of her contribution to the fight against cervical and breast cancer.

Non-Governmental Organisations Coordinating Council chairperson Beatrice Grillo said the award has placed Zambia on the world map.

Ms Grillo said in an interview that her organisation is pleased with Dr Kaseba for championing the fight against cancer.

She observed that cancer is the major cause of death among women not only in Zambia but globally.

"We want to congratulate the First Lady for receiving the Global Award of Distinction and we are particularly happy that she has dedicated this award to the people in Zambia who are involved in the fight against cancer," she said.

Women for Change executive director Emily Sikazwe said in a separate interview that the award is a great achievement not only for Dr Kaseba but all Zambians. M

s Sikazwe has since urged women in the country to step up efforts in fighting cervical and breast cancer.

Young Women's Christian Association chief executive officer Patricia Ndhlovu said the organisation is happy that Dr Kaseba has been rewarded for her relentless efforts in fighting cancer.

Last week, the Susan G Komen for Cure Foundation honoured Dr Kaseba with a Global Award of Distinction in recognition of her contribution to the fight against cervical and breast cancer. The First Lady was awarded at a ceremony held in Washington DC.

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