Friday 20 September 2013

'Desist from being used by foreigners'


YOUTH Vision Zambia (YVZ) has called on youths to desist from being used by foreign nationals to adopt the culture of homosexuality as a way to discredit the laws of the country.

YVZ executive director Amos Mwale was reacting to a story where four gay couples attempted to register for same sex marriages at the civic centre in Lusaka last week whose sole aim was to show the world how Zambia treats homosexuals.

Mr Mwale said in an interview that it sad foreign nationals are coming into the country with hidden motives in a bid to discredit Zambia.

He said: "Marriage Act in Zambia describes that marriage is a union between a man and woman and not man and man or woman and woman and if other countries have allowed such a practice, Zambians will not accept that because we are a Christian nation."

He said it is unfortunate that the four gay couples who went to register for same sex marriages went there to provoke the situation when they were fully aware that the Zambian law does not allow same sex marriages and their motive was not to register but to try and see how the authorities would react.

Mr Mwale said young people are capable of doing anything for money due to the high poverty levels in the country.

He has since urged the young people to be morally upright and avoid situations that can make them morally bankrupt. He said the law of the land must be followed and there should be no provocation as the country has problems it has to deal with currently rather than concentrate on issues that the law says 'no' to.

Part of a letter published in the Daily Mail of Saturday April 6 and signed by Caleb Muswema (not real name) said: "We were inhumanely treatment by Henry Kapata and the authorities are wasting their time by trying to arrest us because our colleagues have already done a documentary and we shall show the whole world how badly we are treated here in Zambia."

Meanwhile, Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia (EFZ) chairperson Pukuta Mwanza said it is sad that the European Union (EU) promised to fund human rights groups in the country which will promote the rights of the homosexuals.

Rev Mwanza said the EU is seen to be consistent in funding the fight against corruption and they are at the same time funding for same sex marriages.

He said homosexuality is an inhuman and highly forbidden practice that must be condemned in strongest terms possible.

He said: "God particularly made marriage to be for a man and woman for procreation and not same sex marriage which is against our Zambian culture and that of Africa."

He said those saying homosexuality has been there since time immemorial, ought to realise corruption, murder and other bad vices have been there but that does not make them normal.

Rev Mwanza urged the youths not to sell their morality for the sake of money as money is not long-lasting and therefore they must turn away from the path of destruction.

He has further urged the police to arrest anyone practising homosexuality and investigate for more cases.

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