Friday 20 September 2013

FAWEZA calls for girl boarding schools


FORUM for African Women Educationalists of Zambia (FAWEZA) has urged government to build more boarding schools to prevent many girls from walking long distances to schools.

Speaking in an interview, FAWEZA national coordinator Lumba Siyanga said government should invest in girls' boarding facilities in order for them to have quality education without any disturbances and having to rent their own accommodation.

"More boarding hostels will help girls access quality education and they will not have to walk long distances and as such they will not be subjected to gender-related violence such as rape," Ms Siyanga said.

She said boarding facilities provide girl children in rural areas with a chance to have quality education and a safe environment. This helps reduce on a number of them dropping out of school due to pregnancies.

Ms Siyanga said her organisation has about 12 safe hostels in 12 districts which cater for about 168 girls.

She said safe hostels are there to provide shelter for girls who have been abused or are at high risk of being abused, and those who have to travel long distances and with a possibility of having safety issues.

"We rent the safe hostels where we camp our girls and there are a number of challenges we face, that's why we need Government to build more boarding facilities," she said.

Ms Siyanga said her organisation faces challenges like providing food, paying rentals and the staff who manage the girls.

She said currently FAWEZA is working towards ensuring that teachers do not sleep with pupils.

She has appealed to the corporate entities and the community to support this noble cause. FAWEZA has 12 safe hostels in Chipata, Kabwe, Lusaka, Livingstone, Luanshya, Mazabuka, Maamba, Chongwe, Mongu and Ibolelo districts.   

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