Monday 23 September 2013

Introducing early education centres cheers ZPA


ZAMBIA Pre-school Association (ZPA) has commended Government for its initiative to introduce early education centres in primary schools.

ZPA National coordinator Eness Chongo told Femail that the incorporating of early learning centres into primary schools will increase access to education by many children.

Mr Chongo said many children in rural areas lack access to education because there are few schools within their reach.

"We commend Government for its initiative to annex early learning centres into primary schools and we believe that it will improve the access to education by many children especially those in the rural areas," he said.

Mr Chongo said the inclusion of early learning centres will also enable all nursery schools follow one curriculum because nursery schools have different curriculums.

Mr Chongo said whether private or public, government will monitor operations of pre-schools in the country.

Meanwhile, Mr Chongo said the recruitment of privately trained pre-school teachers by Government will encourage many more people to take up early education courses.

Both private and public colleges providing early education courses will sit for examinations set by the Examinations Council of Zambia.

"This clearly shows that Government appreciates the role that the private sector plays in supplementing its efforts," he said.

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