Friday 20 September 2013

Funding of First Lady office cheers ZNWL


THE Zambia National Women's Lobby (ZNWL) has distanced itself from the Non-Governmental organisations Coordinating Council (NGOCC)'s opposition of the allocation of K1.5 billion to the office of the First Lady.

"Our mandate as ZNWL is to advocate for the empowerment of women. We are therefore delighted that the office of the First Lady has been funded in such a transparent manner, as this will foster good governance and accountability," ZNWL chairperson Beauty Phiri said in a statement issued yesterday.

Ms Phiri said if its mother body the NGOCC wanted to oppose the allocation, it would have done so when the yellow book of the national budget was publicised and would have lobbied Parliament not to approve the allocation.

She said the NGOCC commended government for the transparent process in which the allocation was done as it will allow the people of Zambia to monitor the expenditure of the First Lady's office.

She said the NGOCC is aware that all past first ladies had activities attached to their office, funded by taxpayers' money which had never been audited because one could trace the vault of the expenditure.

Ms Phiri, however, said the women's movement would like to urge the authority to ensure that the office of the First Lady is constitutionalised.

The NGOCC had opposed the allocation of funds to the office of the First Lady, saying this is not a constitutional office. 

Meanwhile Former District Commissioner for Kafue Michael Bwalya has commended government for allocating money to the First Lady's office.

Mr Bwalya said the monies will assist the First Lady to carry out her campaign against cervical and breast cancers which are currently claiming the lives of women.

He said for the First Lady to be successful in her campaign and to reach far flung areas, she needs funding.

"We had a situation where former first ladies had been running charitable organisations with the help of various donors who would expect favours and protection in return," he said.

He said Government decided to make the allocation public for the sake of transparency. Mr Bwalya said countries around the world have been funding the office of the First Lady because they value the role of the office.

He advised the First Lady not to be distracted by statements from "misguided and misleading people who are not interested in the progress of this country."

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