Friday 20 September 2013

Use herbal remedies against cancers and other diseases - Vongo


GOVERNMENT needs to consider the use of herbal remedies in the fight against cervical and prostate cancers and other related diseases, says Dr Vongo.

Dr Vongo, who is president of the Traditional Healers Practitioners Association of Zambia (THPAZ) said in an interview that the fight against cancer is expensive and Government should resort to local resources.

He said," traditional healers are the right partners in this fight because we are closer to the people in the communities and people consult us first on any ailments they face before rushing to the hospital, and again we traditional healers are in the majority".

Dr Vongo said the fight against cancer is expensive as screening equipment to be bought and there is also need to have qualified personnel to conduct the screening.

Dr Vongo said Government should take a leaf from China which values herbal remedies and uses them in the fight against many diseases.

He said Government should see traditional healers as stakeholders and bring them on board in the fight against cancers which are posing a danger to many lives.

Meanwhile, Dr Vongo said there is need for sensitisation in the use of herbal remedies in cancer treatment as most people demonise herbal medicines.

He said in as much as traditional healers cannot screen for cancers, they too should be sensitised on the signs and symptoms so that when patients seek treatment, they are treated accordingly.

He said it was the desire of traditional healers to be fully involved in this fight from the onset up to possible treatment and recovery.

"We want a situation where doctors from the hospitals are able to refer cancer patients to traditional healers for treatment, we need to work as a team," Dr Vongo said.

He was quick to urge traditional healers to refer all patients showing the symptoms of cancer to the nearest clinics and not keep them in their custody for long periods or until their conditions worsen.

And a Lusaka-based doctor said there is nothing wrong with using herbal remedies in cancers as they act as supplement. Gertrude Tshuma said most of the conventional drugs have a natural element in them and so it is possible to use herbal treatment in cancers.

"All that is required is for the herbals to be identified and tested if they are suitable for use in the treatment of cancer and people must be warned to be seeking help from witch doctors", she said.

Dr Tshuma said herbal medicines should not be used as substitutes but rather as supplements which are able to alleviate the symptoms.

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